Monday, July 6, 2009

How to Make a Cherry Pie and See the U.S.A.

Last week we rowed, How to Make a Cherry Pie and See the U.S.A. I really enjoyed this book. I can't wait to do the next book by the same author. We reviewed the book we read previously and went over the letter of the week. I introduced the new book and asked Kameron what he thought it would be about. In the story, the girl wants to make a cherry pie, but the bake shop is closed and she has nothing to bake in. She travels around the U.S.A. gathering materials to make the supplies she needs. I introduced 5 vocabulary words this week. As we read, every time he heard one, he was to point it out. That worked really well for him. I put cotton balls all around the kitchen and had him gather an armful of cotton. He estimated how many he thought it would take to make the oven mitts. He picked 39 cotton balls. Then we practiced measuring with a measuring cup. He learned 1 cup and 1/2 a cup. I colored the water red so he could see it easier. It was another great week.
I am taking a break for a few weeks because I have so many ideas and resources that I want to implement and get together. I think I jumped the gun, and got started before I was ready. I want to be the best that I can be at this, and I am just not as prepared as I want to be. I know I will never have everything there is to have, but I also know that I should be using the things I do have. I haven't used them because I am just not organized enough. I need to better organize myself and my school area so the things we need are close at hand. I learned several things in my 2 weeks of lessons and plan on adjusting and lots of list making. I have a ton of copies I need to make along with planning the lessons for the end of July and August. Before I start again, I want to have at least a month of lessons planned.

On another note, Kameron wanted me to read Hank the Cowdog to him one night. I read a chapter then searched I-tunes for the audio book of that book. I found it and spent the best 10 bucks in a long time. He laid on his bed for almost 45 minutes straight just listening to that book. He finished it the next day. I am now going to buy him a new book every few weeks and add it to my I-Pod. Gotta love technology!!